Monday, August 02, 2004

The Real Deal (but not with Bill McNeal)

So let me see how much of my trip I remember; at the same time recording it for future generations.

Thursday (July 22)

All day spent traveling. We ended up in Flagstaff AZ, the most expensive hotel city in American. Ok, probably not, but when did the truth matter here?


Hey look, another driving day, but this time with flair. After buying cheap gas in Kingman AZ, we headed north to see Hoover Dam. This was also our first time to drive through a security checkpoint. Apparently we didn't look like we intended to blow up the dam, and was allowed to drive across.
This was also the day to see Death Valley. All I can say is appropriate name.
Hey, did you know there are no roads going across central California? Not even minor ones like we guessed there had to be. So, we got to go north all the way past Yosemite and take a road that looks nice and straight on the map. On the map. Stupid map. So its 11 pm and we are winding through curves going up and down mountains amazed that we haven't passed a town with a gas station in a long time. a long time. And yes, for those of you who can guess where this is leading, I can now say that I have been stranded for 2+ hours in a national forest in California. Special thanks to Daniel Lions for helping us out there.

Ok, so really that last think carried over into Saturday and we got to Oakland at 9 in the morning. The baseball game was an afternoon game so we took a short nap and then proceeded to Network Associates Coliseum. Yes, the stadium is as awful as you have heard. However it was nice to see other A's fans. Also it was a 6-2 Oakland win, with Kotsey hitting 2 home runs and Dotel pitching the ninth (three straight strike outs). More importantly, I am now a 1989 World Series Champion and I have the ring to prove it. Take that, San Fran Giants. Oh, also I burnt my head during this game. Not Fun.

Church at Harvest something in Fremont CA. Good praise and worship. The pastor delivered a good message, but is younger and still needs some polish. All and All a great experience.
After church we headed over to Fishermen’s wharf. Pier 39 I believe. Let me tell you, I have never seen so many shops crammed into such a small space and the crab was amazing. Yes those of you that I talk to often will hear about the crab, then hear about the crab, and possibly hear about the crab some more. OH, I almost forgot. We took the Bay Bridge to get to San Fran (where the wharf is). Awesome experience, out of the three bay bridges we took, this was my favorite. Of course I am bias by memories of the quake hitting this bridge during the 1989 World Series (which I won).
After fishermen's wharf, we drove over the Golden Gate Bridge. This was nice, but the fog was heavy. This kinda made it cool, but also made it impossible to see the top of the cables supporting the bridge.
Heading north, we crossed back over the third northern bridge that I can't remember the name of. Awesome. This bridge was huge. Yeah, that’s all I'm going to say.

If I was as cool as Willie Nelson, I would sing about being on the road again. Instead I will just relate that we drove through Sequoia National Park, giant trees and nice mountains, on the way to Phoenix. Another late night as we arrived at the hotel at 3am, I believe.

Tuesday I slept. Oh yeah and ate TCBY yogurt, losing that was the worst thing that ever happened to Stillwater.

Umm yeah, more sleeping and TCBY that night.

Ill let you use your imagination, and yes, more TCBY.

Mexico Day. Yes, a quick jaunt into Mexico. Also we saw the cacti at Saguaro National Park. And driving, ended the day in Las Cruces New Mexico.

So driving through NM is boring.
The day ended in Amarillo Tx. Some good bar b q and TCBY led us into bed time. Oh yes, also I got to listen to the A's beating the rangers on rangers radio, that was fun.

Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo. Rodger Hodges church, and if you don't know who Rodger Hodges, shame on you. BTW Martin, he is the worship leader there. So of course great praise and worship, Good message, then a 5 hour drive home.

So all in all it was a great trip. Phoenix was a disappointment, my only plans were to see Bill Heaton, a local youth minister I once worked for, but our schedules never worked out for that to happen. I must say it is great to be back home. Even though the month started with two youth camps, only one was with "MY" group =), so I'm starting to feel separated from them (not necessarily saying that is bad). Well, goodnight and remember, same bat time, same bat channel. (the really sad thing is that I continue that joke even though I doubt the target reads this.)


Blogger bobby said...

Nomar was a great pick up. I still wouldn't trade him for Bobby Crosby, but I am probably in the minority on that one. (Just means most people are wrong)

You are probably right on the wild card, although they have to catch the mighty Padres, (I really can't believe I just typed that sentence)just like the A's had to catch the might Rangers (ditto). As long as San Fran dosn't make it, Ill be happy.

August 2, 2004 at 3:58 PM  

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