Monday, August 16, 2004 - Madden NFL 2005 PC - Madden NFL 2005 PC: "Crowds are now customizable with Create-a-Fan"

I will have this game.


Blogger bobby said...

But its more than that. The create a fan is awesome becuase it shows the detail that they went into. I will proabably design one fan and then well, that was fun, and never do it again. However last night I spent some time on the EA website, and the franchise mode looks awesome. Also, they improved the defense, so Asa, get used to our last game, no more scoring for you.

August 17, 2004 at 12:48 PM  
Blogger bobby said...

"Victory (not just a tie) WILL be mine!"

Ahhh, the optimism of youth. Too bad that one day soon this optimism will be dashed upon the rocks that are reality and my Buffalo Bills defense. Then as his quarterback is lying on that bloody shore, my place kicker will walk up to him, point, and laugh.

Wow, that was either really poetic or really demented. Or Both!!! Hooray for low literary standards.

August 20, 2004 at 9:55 AM  

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