Monday, September 20, 2004

College football bad

Ok, college football is not so much bad as my ability to pick games...this week. At least I had a good enough lead in my league (a once commanding lead) to still be able to claim the top spot.

Anyway, I would much rather talk about fantasy football. Go Mr Bob's!! Ok, so it doesn’t have the same effect as go pokes, but I still kinda like it Go Mr Bob's!!

Yes, the first week of our league is mostly over, and my game is finished. Da Wombats look to have had the second highest score this week which is normally a good thing, but she had to go against the Ultimate Force that is Bob. (wow I usually don't get this big a head until several weeks into a successful season.) Yes, I won 78-59. But the Ducks and Silly Monkeys are still hanging with me as both are 1-0. Also one game has yet to be decided. N0rmally I would pick one of the teams (cement dements & shorty's) to cheer for, but honestly neither one scares me. I guess I should be rooting for the cement dements as the will meet their doom next week.

Hey, things other than football are happing. I may regret this, but let's talk politics. The US senate race here in OK is heating up. Amazing what can happen when you lie about your opponent and it seems no one cares. Not to mention CBS's "documents" which even Dan Rather has come out and said "I no longer have the confidence in these documents that would allow us to continue vouching for them journalistically." I bet today is a happy day to be Dan.

BTW does anyone else see this election (presidential) being a landslide for Bush? I know that I live in a conservative state and that may paint my views, but I just don't see a large portion of American's supporting Kerry by November. In fact I think a smaller percentage of Americans support Kerry due to the way most polling services look at party affiliation. Anyway, I guess I should actually do some work... since I'm at work.


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