Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New blog

I know I just told a bunch of you to come here, but my blogging activities have found a new location.

Yes, not only am I handsome and intelligent, I am also a website.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Man loses it with a lug nut

So, I was messing around online and saw this story, which immediately made me decide to start the old blog back up.

Best to use tools when loosening lug nut

Now, I know what your thinking. "Maybe using a shotgun to remove a lug nut is a little extreme, but he did remove the lug nut, right?" However I am a fan of doing things right, well, at least for the purposes of this post I am a fan or doing things right, so I look at this as a missed opportunity. Why not start splashing liquid nitrogen on the tire then using a hammer, or pile several dozen batteries around the tire and light a fire. If you are going to injure your self and damage the vehicle, at least have the decency to make it memorable.

Finally, there is one option that has not yet been mentioned, I'll call it the griswald option. Simple drive into St. Louis and start asking people how to get across the river, works every time... at least it worked once, in a movie.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Origins of Thanksgiving

I took this section out of today's Mikey's Funnies, a daily humor email you can get at It starts off with a brief thanksgiving is not just about blah blah blah then comes the reader's questions:

Q. Gosh, you're right, I, the average reader, am dumb as a post. What exactly are the origins of Thanksgiving?

A. Thanksgiving is, of course, a holiday invented by grocers and farmers to allow them to sell huge quantities of disgusting "traditional" foods that no one in his right mind would eat otherwise, such as squash. The average squash is a triumph of minimalism wherein Nature manages to convert mud into a plant without bothering to change its taste and texture. Attempts to improve the mud-like flavor of squash by the addition of delicate seasonings and spices have produced dishes that taste, at best, like delicately seasoned and spiced mud. A master chef, faced with the necessity of making a palatable squash dish, would throw in his funny hat and become a short-order cook at Denny's.

Q. That's quite a conspiracy theory. Where do the Black Helicopters fit it?

A. They transport the squash.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Real Music Goodness

So, I no longer listen to the station I posted here earlier. It's not the station, its me. I just don't like the station any more. (Man I love that joke)

Seriously, it has nothing to do with the station, I just found a way to play to my somewhat strange tastes. LAUNCHcast Radio. You can access my station here (, I hope. There are some annoying ads, but I think I have it pretty well trained now to only play good music.

This has been a good experinece for me too as I have realized how few bands I actually like. BTW Lanchcast (yes, their half caps thing is stupid and I will not do it again) is a joint effort with yahoo, so you can create your own station. And hey, it might be almost as good as mine. might. almost.

Oh, almost forgot. Let me know if any artist every plays for you that is not christian and I will make sure to go block that artist from playing again. I think I have them all blocked, so this should not be a problem.

Monday, November 15, 2004

The Incrdibles

Yes, last night I saw The Incredibles, and since I see a movie just about every year, I feel like I am enough of an expert to share my thoughts.

I liked this movie.

Really, what else do you want me to say? I could talk about the plot, but that ruins the movie for you. I could talk about what I found funny, but again, that would spoil the movie as well as possibly point out how weird my sense of humor is. So I will stick with my first comment.

Oh also, just so everyone knows: "I am the Underminer! I am beneath you all, but no one is beneath me!"