Friday, October 22, 2004

Yes, I am a dork

Ok, so maybe I was a little bored at work today. And maybe I was thinking of ways the BCS could be improved. And its possible that I even worked out my own formula, plugged in the numbers from all 116 D1 teams, and posted my results on the internet.


Ok, yes I did. But before I give you the link, a few words. My BCS (Bob Championship System) only contains DI-A teams. Also, any games againts non I-A teams do not count toward the standings. I promise I have a full worksheet that gave me these numbers. BOB C S


Blogger bobby said...

ummm actually Asa, OU is higher in my poll than the BCS, but maybe that will change today......Mwahahahahhahawawahahahah *couch*

Wow, that joke works so much better when not in print.

October 25, 2004 at 8:25 AM  
Blogger bobby said...

Prepare to be amazed, I didn't drop this after one week, yes I updated my BCS yesterday. A quick explination, the computer rankings on the right is what I came up with using a simple formula (that I am still looking at and tweaking) that right now looks at wins losses and strenght of schedule. The column on the left is what the BCS (real BCS) would look like if my computer rankings replaced all the others.

October 26, 2004 at 9:29 AM  
Blogger bobby said...

My computer poll formula is a secret (which means too complicated to remember without looking it up, which means to much work to tell you =)

The BCS poll is my poll plus the AP plus the Coach poll. Just like the real bcs poll which is made up of 1/3 of the AP, Coach, and computer poll respectively. This is why all scores are ..... wait, I'm doing it wrong. I have been way over weighting my own poll, well color me embarresed, Ill have to fix that.

October 26, 2004 at 12:38 PM  
Blogger bobby said...

Ok, it's fixed now.

I was figuring the final bcs scores wrong. Instead of giving a score based off my rank, the score was my score, let me show you.

USC is first in the AP, Coachs, and my poll. Therefore their total score should be 25+25+25 which equals 75, as it is now. What I had done was give them 25 for each of the other polls, but given them the 27.2 points they got from my poll. This gave teams too many points from my poll (and got much worse further down the poll). From now on, the only teams listed in the bcs poll will be those who recieve a point by being in the top 25 of one of the other three polls. I will still continue to list my entire poll, even though only the top 25 count toward the BCS. BTW, there is an easter egg it this weeks poll, betcha can't find it (and if you do find it, betcha can't believe that you spent so long looking for it, and by that I don't mean that it will take you a long time).

October 26, 2004 at 1:09 PM  

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