Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Not that Kind of spam, Nathan

Spam's dirty little secret - some buy its products: "According to a Yahoo! Mail global survey of about 37,000 Internet users in 11 countries, 20 percent of U.S. residents admit buying products from spam purveyors. About 78 percent said they delete spam."

Ok, this is why some people need to be shot. Normally I am not a big advocate of violence, but come one. This means that every company that can get my email address will send me junk, knowing that there is A ONE IN FIVE CHANCE that I’ll buy from them. ONE IN FIVE! That is absurd. Of course if anyone of my loyal readers happens to fall in the category and is offend by my comments..... too bad, I still think you should be shot. Besides we all know that no one reads this, I don’t even read this. (But then who is "we all?")

Monday, June 28, 2004

This time, I mean it

Hey quick one tonight as I need to be studying. I just wanted to give a quick update and make sure everyone knows that BCOM is the most evil class ever.

There, I feel oddly cleansed now.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

It's pronounced Espen

ESPN.com - GEN - ESPN is all the rage ... as a baby name?: "A Texas couple who named their son ESPN after the cable sports network will soon be getting a visit from the toddler's namesake.

An ESPN film crew is coming to this Panhandle town next month to interview the family of 2-year-old ESPN Malachi McCall for a feature on several children around the country named after the network.

ESPN (pronounced Espen) McCall is one of at least three children in the United States known to be named for the sports network. A couple in Corpus Christi named their son Espn Curiel in 2000, the same year Espen Blondeel was born in Michigan."

Wow, and I thought the name Asa was weird.... just kidding bud. However this article has provided me with inspiration. My first kid will be name Pepsi Coke Luttrell. Think about it, it works perfectly. Then all I will have to do is convince him (or her, doesn't really matter) to get a PhD and then the name will be Dr. Pepsi Coke Luttrell.

And yes, its official now, I will never show this blog to any girl that I meet.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Those silly Arkasonians

Offbeat Dollars for Scholars: "The annual duck celebration in Stuttgart, Ark., was winding down ? the Queen Mallard beauty pageant was over and the world's best duck dog had been determined. Then Daniel Duke stepped onto the Main Street stage.

Duke, a teenage veteran of more than a dozen duck-calling contests, wowed the judges with his renditions of the four required blasts: hail, feed, comeback and mating. Duke, from the nearby town of Brinkley, triumphed ? and bagged one of the nation's more unusual college scholarships.

'I knew I had a shot at it,' the 19-year-old said of the $1,500 award, which he hopes to use to attend the University of Arkansas. 'And I think it's pretty great you can get a scholarship for calling ducks.'"

I couldn't resist sharing this. My father is an Arkansas grad, I may have to call him up and ask if he received any duck hunting scholarships back in the day. Of course he will probably respond that he wasn't able to attend the contest because it was too far to walk in the snow, especially being uphill both ways. After I ask a follow up question, I will be informed that back "in the day" it used to snow in Arkansas even during the winter.